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PXFSTRSET - Allows values stored in individual components of a structure to be set
INTEGER jhandle, ilen, ierror
CHARACTER*n compnam, value
CALL PXFSTRSET(jhandle, compnam, value, ilen, ierror)
Cray Linux Environment (CLE)
IEEE Std 1003.9-1992 standard interface for FORTRAN 77
The routine PXFSTRSET allows character values stored in individual components of a structure to be set. All arguments must be of default kind unless documented otherwise. Default kind is KIND=4 for integer, real, complex, and logical arguments. PXFSTRSET accepts the following arguments.
- jhandle
An input integer that references a structure. jhandle should have been created with PXFSTRUCTCREATE.
- compnam
A case-sensitive input character variable which is the name of a component of the structure.
- value
An input character variable. Upon successful completion, the component of jhandle referenced by compnam is set to value.
- ilen
An input integer variable. ilen is the intended length of value. If ilen is zero, then trailing blanks in value are stripped and ignored.
- ierror
An output integer variable. Upon successful completion of PXFSTRSET, ierror is set to 0. If the following condition occurs, ierror is set to the corresponding value:
Component name is not defined for the specified structure.
See Also