How to Access our Token-Authenticated Package Repository

No Official Support

Using this method of downloading, installing, configuring, or building software is not officially supported. Please join our Slack Workspace and start a discussion in our #hpe-cray-programming-environment channel.


This will require an HPE Passport Account with an HPESC user profile. If you don’t have the proper permissions, please work with your site admin to coordinate package access.


Step 1: Log into, or obtain, your HPE Passport Account

  • To obtain an HPE Passport account, visit the MY HPE SOFTWARE CENTER and click Sign In to create a new account.

Step 2: Generate a Token by visiting the HPE Support Center User Token page

Step 3: Access the Repo via Web or Package Manager

Web (Mainly for testing purposes)

Step 4a: Navigate to

Step 5a: Enter your HPE Passport email and token generated above

Step 6a: Navigate the site

Package Manager

Step 4b: Setup your package manager to pull from the CPE repo using the following format:


Step 5b: Pull the packages and install

Step 6b (optional): You can test access using wget:

wget —user=<email-address> --password=<token> -P /tmp

You can cut and paste the following section (substituting email-address, token, generation, distribution, architecture and project version) into /etc/yum.repos.d/spp.repo on your RedHat system or /etc/zypp/repos.d/spp.repo on your SUSE system

name=Cray Programming Environment


<email-address> - HPE Passport Account email address

<token> - HPE Generated Token

<version> - 23.12.0, 24.03.0, next, etc.

<type> - base, updates, unstable

<os_ver> - sle-14.4, sle-15.5, rhel-8.7, rhel-8.8, rhel-9.4, etc.

<arch> - x86_64, aarch64, noarch

Suse Installing CPE packages

Install a specific package on Suse via:

# zypper install packagename

Redhat Installing CPE packages

List the avaialable package in the repository via:

# yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="cpe" list available

Install a specific package via:

# yum install packagename

General Package Directory Structure

Generally speaking, there are two major repository types and three subtypes, each providing different levels of testing and accessibility.

Near the top level, we will provide a CPE version (e.g., 23.12.0) for released or near-released software with a higher level of testing. We also provide our next repo, which provides lightly tested and forward-looking components (e.g. CCE) of CPE.

Within a specific CPE version, there are three subtypes: base, updates, and unstable.

base: Well-tested, typically with other integrated products. This generally mirrors what is, or will be, officially released to our support site.

updates: Well-tested updates to individual components tested against our base release, but typically out-of-band from our officially released product.

unstable: Unstable component updates that are not guaranteed to work with other component releases. Hotfixes or nightly builds would be released in this subtype.

Below these levels, we provide OS and then Architecture breakdown.

Example of the structure:

 \_ 23.12.0
 |   \_ base
 |   |   \_ sle
 |   |   |   \_ 15.5
 |   |   |       \_ x86_64
 |   |   |       \_ aarch64
 |   |   |       \_ noarch
 |   |   \_ rhel
 |   |       \_ 8.7
 |   |           \_ x86_64
 |   \_ updates
 |   |   \_ rhel
 |   |       \_ 8.7
 |   |           \_ x86_64
 |   \_ unstable
 |       \_ rhel
 |           \_ 8.7
 |               \_ x86_64
 \_ 24.3.0
 |   \_ base
 |   |   \_ sle
 |   |   |   \_ 15.5
 |   |   |       \_ x86_64
 |   |   |       \_ aarch64
 |   |   \_ rhel
 |   |       \_ 8.8
 |   |           \_ x86_64
 |   \_ updates
 |   |   \_ rhel
 |   |       \_ 8.8
 |   |           \_ x86_64
 |   \_ unstable
 |       \_ rhel
 |           \_ 8.7
 |               \_ x86_64
 \_ 24.7.0
 |   \_ base
 |       \_ sle
 |       |   \_ 15.5
 |       |       \_ x86_64
 |       |       \_ aarch64
 |       \_ rhel
 |       |   \_ 8.10
 |       |       \_ x86_64
 |       \_ rhel
 |           \_ 9.4
 |               \_ x86_64
 |               \_ aarch64
 \_ next
     \_ unstable
         \_ rhel
             \_ 8.8
                 \_ x86_64


Q: I can’t generate a token; I’m getting an error (e.g., Only HPESC user profiles are authorized to generate user tokens, please log in with your HPESC user profile and try again.)

A: If you can download CPE’s current software in tarball format, you should have access to the repository after following the following instructions. If you do not have access to CPE via, please work with your internal site admin to gain access. If you are a site admin and do not have access, you can contact your HPE sales representative.

Q: I’m able to access the web repo, but I’m unable to use wget or packaging

A: For some package managers (yum/zypper) to pass the correct email address the authentication protocols on the Software Delivery Repository, email addresses in the *.repo files must be URL encoded. For most email addresses, changing the “@” to “%40” is sufficient. For instance, would be entered as “” in the *.repo file. You may use the URL-encoded values found on an online tool like URL Decode and Encode to help encode your email address.

Q: What is a yum/zypper/apt repository?

A: Yum, zypper and apt are software configuration managers for Linux systems. They find, download and install software packages. Also, and more importantly, they also find any dependency packages and install those as well. Yum is found on RedHat-like systems, Zypper is found on SUSE-like systems, and Apt is strictly for Debian-like (Ubuntu) systems. Yum and Zypper work with rpm packages, while apt installs deb packages.

Q: I don’t know the exact name of the package, how do I search a repository?

A: via:

# zypper    search package_base_name
# yum       search package_base_name

Q: Are these signed?

A: All rpm headers are signed by HPE. Zypper and Yum indexes are signed as well.

Q: How do I import HPE public keys to verify indexes and packages?

A: All HPE public keys for may be found here:

Q: Why do I have to “login” to get CPE software?

A: An active warranty or support contract is required to access the Cray Programming Environment Package Repository.

Q: I have linked a contract to my HPE Passport account on HPESC, why am I still unable to access entitled content?

A: Contracts newly linked to your HPE Passport account may take up to 24 hours to reflect when accessing content on the Software Delivery Repository. After this time, if you continue to have issues accessing content for which you have linked a relevant contract, please contact support for assistance.

Q: I have another question not answered here or by a support center staff member, are there any other avenues to ask questions?

While our public Slack Workspace is not activily monitored by CPE engineers, many other CPE users have access and post there. Please join our Slack Workspace and start a discussion in our #hpe-cray-programming-environment channel.