
Enqueue an MPI Stream Triggered receive operations into an MPIX_Queue object.


C/C++ Synopsis

int MPIX_Enqueue_recv(void *buf,
                      int count,
                      MPI_Datatype datatype,
                      int source,
                      int tag,
                      MPI_Comm comm,
                      MPIX_Queue queue,
                      MPI_Request *request)


buf                  IN              Buffer to receive
count                IN              Number of elements to send
datatype             IN              Type of one buffer element
dest                 IN              Rank of the target MPI process
tag                  IN              Tag assigned to the message
comm                 IN              Communicator handle
queue                IN              MPIX_Queue associated with the enqueued message
request              OUT         Request handle on the send operation taking place


MPIX_Enqueue_recv operation enqueues an MPI Stream Triggered receive operation into the MPIX_Queue object. MPIX_Enqueue_recv is non-blocking with respect to the application process. Internally, the MPI implementation creates a communication descriptor that encapsulates the details of the communication operation defined by the user in the MPIX_Enqueue_recv operation.

Completion status of a stream triggered receive operation can be queried by using the MPI_Test and MPI_Wait operation using the valid request handle that is returned as part of the MPIX_Enqueue_receive operation. Note that the MPIX_Enqueue_recv operation does not support the use of MPI_ANY_SOURCE and MPI_ANY_TAG flags for the source and tag arguments, respectively.

Return Values



C/C++ Example

Example code snippet showing the usage of basic stream triggered communication operations.

MPIX_Queue queue;
hipStream_t stream;
hipStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, hipStreamNonBlocking);
MPIX_Create_queue(MPI_COMM_WORLD_DUP, (void *)stream, &queue);

if (my_rank == 0) {
    launch_device_kernel(src_buf, stream);
    MPIX_Enqueue_send(src_buf, SIZE, MPI_INT, 0, 123, queue, &sreq);
        MPIX_Enqueue_start(queue); /* Enqueue_start enables the triggering of
                                * prior send operations */
} else if (my_rank == 1) {
    MPIX_Enqueue_recv(dst_buf, SIZE, MPI_INT, 1, 123, queue, &rreq);
    MPIX_Enqueue_wait(queue);  /* wait blocks only the current GPU stream
    launch_device_kernel(dst_buf, stream);
hipStreamSynchronize(stream); /* wait for all operations on Stream to