a runtime instrumentation version of the CrayPat Performance Measurement and Analysis Tool
- Author:
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP.
- Copyright:
Copyright 2019,2021,2023-2024 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP.
- Manual section:
perftools-preload is a runtime instrumentation version of the CrayPat Performance Measurement and Analysis Tool. It eliminates the instrumentation step by pat_build on an executable program to acquire performance data about the program. perftools-preload provides access to nearly all of the performance analysis features provided by executing a program instrumented with pat_build.
perftools-preload facilitates the use of the environment variable LD_PRELOAD.
Load the perftools-preload module in addition to the perftools-base module to take optimal advantage of most performance analysis features available in a program instrumented with pat_build:
$ module load perftools-base perftools-preload
After the program is compiled and linked, execute the pat_run utility with the program on a Cray system using a Workload Manager job and application scheduler such as srun:
$ srun srun-options pat_run pat_run-options program
The program collects the performance data and produces the same experiment data directory structure as a program independently instrumented with pat_build.
While not a prerequisite to use the pat_run utility, perftools-preload maximizes access to the runtime performance data collection and recording.
If the perftools-preload module is not loaded, the pat_run utility can still be used on the program. See pat_run(1), section Programs Created Without perftools Modules Loaded for more information.
intro_craypat(1), pat_build(1), pat_help(1), pat_report(1), pat_run(1), grid_order(1)