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EOSHIFT - Performs an end-off shift on an array expression
EOSHIFT ([ARRAY=]array, [SHIFT=]shift [,[BOUNDARY=]boundary][,[DIM=]dim])
Cray Linux Environment (CLE)
The EOSHIFT intrinsic function performs an end-off shift on an array expression of rank one, or it performs end-off shifts on all the complete rank one sections along a given array expression of rank two or greater. Elements are shifted off at one end of a section and copies of a boundary value are shifted in at the other end. Different sections can have different boundary values and can be shifted by different amounts and in different directions: positive for left shifts, negative for right shifts.
EOSHIFT accepts the following arguments:
- array
May be of any type. It must not be scalar.
- shift
Must be integer. If array has rank one, shift must be a scalar. Otherwise, shift must be scalar or have rank n-1 and have this shape:
(d1, d2, ..., ddim-1, ddim+1, ..., dn)
(ds, d2, ..., dn)
is the shape of array.
- boundary
Must be of the same type and have the same type parameters as array. Must be scalar if array has rank one; otherwise, it must be either scalar or of rank n-1 and of shape:
(d1, d2, ..., ddim-1, ddim+1, ..., dn)
The boundary argument can be omitted for the data types in the following list. In these cases, the default value is the scalar value shown:
Type of array Default Value of boundary
Integer 0
Real 0.0
Complex (0.0,0.0)
Logical false
Character(len) len blanks
The boundary data type must be present for derived data types.
- dim
Must be a scalar. Must be an integer value in the range 1 <= dim <= n, where n is the rank of array. If dim is omitted, the default value is 1.
EOSHIFT is a transformational intrinsic function. The name of this intrinsic cannot be passed as an argument.
The result is an array of the same type, type parameters, and shape as array.
(s1, s2, …, sn)
of the result has the value
array(s1, s2, …, sdim-1, sdim + sh, sdim+1, …, sn)
where sh is shift or
shift(s1, s2, …, sdim-1, sdim+1, …, sn)
provided that the inequality LBOUND(array,dim) <= sdim + sh <= UBOUND(array,dim)
holds and is otherwise boundary or
boundary(s1, s2, ..., sdim-1, sdim+1, ..., sn)
Example 1: If V is array [1,2,3,4,5,6], the effect of shifting V end-off to the left by three positions is achieved by EOSHIFT(V,SHIFT=3), which yields [4,5,6,0,0,0]. Specifying EOSHIFT(V,SHIFT=-2,BOUNDARY=99) achieves an end-off shift to the right by two positions with the boundary value of 99 and yields [99,99,1,2,3,4].
Example 2: The rows of an array of rank two can all be shifted by the same amount or by different amounts and the boundary elements can be the same or different. Assume that M is the following array:
| A B C |
| D E F |
| G H I |
| * A B |
| * D E |
| * G H |
EOSHIFT(M,SHIFT=(/-1,1,0/),BOUNDARY=(/’*’,’/’,’?’/),DIM=2) yields:
| * A B |
| E F / |
| G H I |
Section EOSHIFT(M(2:3,2:3),SHIFT=-1,BOUNDARY=’*’,DIM=2) yields:
| * E |
| * H |