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SIZE - Returns the total number of elements in an array
SIZE ([ARRAY=]array [, [DIM=]dim, [KIND=]kind])
The SIZE intrinsic function returns the extent of an array along a specified dimension or the total number of elements in the array. It accepts the following arguments:
- array
May be of any type. It must not be scalar. It must not be a pointer that is disassociated or an allocatable array that is not allocated. If array is an assumed-size array, dim must be present with a value less than the rank of array.
- dim
Must be scalar and of type integer with a value in the range 1 <= dim <= n, where n is the rank of array.
- kind
The kind argument determines the kind type of the return result. If this argument is not specified, the return result is of type default integer.
This argument must be a scalar integer initialization expression.
SIZE is an inquiry function. The name of this intrinsic cannot be passed as an argument.
The result is integer scalar. The result has a value equal to the extent of dimension dim of array or, if dim is absent, the total number of elements of array.
SIZE(A(2:5,-1:1),DIM=2) yields 3.
SIZE(A(2:5,-1:1)) yields 12.