



MINLOC - Returns the location of a minimum value in an array


MINLOC([ARRAY=]array[, [DIM=]dim][, [MASK=]mask, [KIND=]kind])




The MINLOC intrinsic function can be used for array location. It returns the location of the first element of array that has the minimum value of the elements identified by mask. It accepts the following arguments:


The array argument must be of type integer, real, or character. It must not be scalar.


The dim argument must be a scalar integer value in the range 1 <= dim <= n, where n is the rank of array. The corresponding actual argument must not be an optional dummy argument.


The mask argument must be of type logical and must be conformable with array.


The kind argument determines the kind type of the return result. If this argument is not specified, the return result is of type default integer.

  • This argument must be a scalar integer initialization expression.

MINLOC is a transformational function. The name of this intrinsic cannot be passed as an argument.


The result is an integer array of rank one, with size equal to the rank of array.

The result of MINLOC(array) is a rank-one array whose element values are the values of the subscripts of an element of array whose value equals the minimum value of all of the elements of array. The ith subscript returned lies in this range:

1 to ei

where the last term of the equation is the extent of the ith dimension of array. If more than one element has the minimum value, the element whose subscripts are returned is the first such element, taken in array element order. If array has size zero, all elements of the result are zero.

The result of MINLOC(array,MASK=mask) is a rank-one array whose element values are the values of the subscripts of an element of array, corresponding to a true element of mask whose value equals the minimum value of all such elements of array. The ith subscript returned lies in the range 1 to ei, where ei is the extent of the ith dimension of array. If more than one such element has the minimum value, the element whose subscripts are returned is the first such element taken in array element order. If there are no such elements (that is, if array has size zero or every element of mask has the value false), all elements of the result are zero.

If array has rank one, the result of MINLOC(array, DIM=dim, MASK=[mask]) is a scalar with a value that is the same as that of the first element of MINLOC(array[, MASK=mask]). Otherwise, the value of element

(s1, s2, ..., sdim-1, sdim+1, ..., sn)

of the result is equal to

MINLOC(array(s1, s2, ..., sdim-1, : , sdim+1, ..., sn), DIM=1

      [, MASK=mask(s1, s2, ..., sdim-1, : , sdim+1, ..., sn)])


Example 1:

MINLOC((/4,3,6,3/)) yields [2]

Example 2:

Assume that array B is declared as follows:

INTEGER, DIMENSION(4:7) :: B = (/8,6,3,1/)

MINLOC(B) yields [4].

Example 3:

Assume that array A is as follows:

| 0 -5  8 -3 |
| 3  4 -1  2 |
| 1  5  6 -4 |

The following are true:

  • MINLOC(A) yields [1,2].

  • MINLOC(A,MASK=A.GT.-4) yields [1,4].

Using array section references, the following are true:

  • MINLOC(A(2:3,2:4)) yields [2,3].

  • MINLOC(A(2:3,2:4),MASK=A(2:3,2:4).GT.-4) yields [1,2].

Example 4:

Assume that B is array [100,2,5,7,1,90,0,20,-1,80].

The following are true:

  • MINLOC(B(10:1:-1)) yields 2.

  • MINLOC(B(10:1:-2)) yields 5.

Example 5:

MINLOC((/5,-9,3/),DIM=1) yields 2

Example 6:

Assume that C is the following array:

| 1 3 -9 |
| 2 2  6 |

The following are true of this array:

  • MINLOC(C,DIM=1) yields [1,2,1].

  • MINLOC(C,DIM=2) yields [3,1].

  • MINLOC(C) yields [3,1].